If you do not have time to read all the details below, select
How you're paid for a Partial Loss.
This section may help you save thousands of dollars in the event of a loss.
Boat Insurance Coverage
Boat Insurance provides protection against physical damage losses to the boat, machinery and equipment. This
is referred to as Hull Insurance. While the boat insurance industry does not use the terms comprehensive and
collision, if you are familiar with these terms for automobile insurance, this would be the equivalent
coverage. Each boat insurance company will have a different definition of Hull Insurance. One of the
insurance companies that we represent defines it as “accidental, direct physical loss or damage to the
boat and equipment as well as salvage charges.” Hull Insurance is broad and may include spars, sails,
machinery, furniture, dinghies/tenders, outboard motors, fittings and other equipment normally required
for the operation or maintenance of the vessel.
How you're paid in the event of a loss –
Agreed Value, Actual Cash Value or Replacement cost.
How you're paid for a Partial Loss –
Learn how a policy may respond to a partial loss.
How you're paid for a Total Loss –
Learn how a policy may respond to a total loss.
What is covered –
Learn to tell what is covered.
What is excluded -
Items that are normally excluded from a boat insurance policy.
How your motor is covered –
Details on coverage for a boat motor(s).
What is a Tender/Dinghy and how is it covered -
For yacht owners it's important to remember to cover your Dinghy or Tender used to service your yacht.
What type of coverage do you have on the trailer –
What you need to know about insurance and your boat trailer.
What is Commercial Towing and Emergency Assistance -
It's important to know the limitations of the towing assistance provided by your insurer.
Boat Insurance Deductibles
What is a hull deductible
What is an Electronics Deductible
What is a Named Storm Deductible (NSD)
Other Boat Insurance Questions
How can I use my Boat -
Description of how boat insurance coverage is affected by different boat uses, such as pleasure versus charter coverage.
Fuel Spill Pollution Coverage -
A description of liability insurance coverage for boats in the case of a fuel spill.
Hurricane Haul-Out Coverage -
This page describes the terms of Hurricane haul-out insurance coverage.
Salvage Charges -
Learn about Salvage Charges so you can be prepared for them ahead of time.
Lay Up -
Learn about getting discounts for lay-up periods.
Personal Effects -
Know the difference between what is covered under your hull coverage and what would be covered under personal effects.
Transporting vessel by Commercial Hauler